ALUO 2021: zaključna razstava študentskih del tudi letos VIRTUALNO

Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje (UL ALUO) vabi k ogledu in premisleku ALUO 2021, razstave del študentk in študentov ob zaključku študijskega leta, drugo leto zapored v virtualnem prostoru, na spletni strani:

Študijsko leto 2020/21 smo zaključili z internim vpogledom v nastala študijska dela študentk in študentov 12 smeri, ki jih izvaja Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje znotraj študijskih programov prve in druge stopnje na področju likovne umetnosti, oblikovanja in restavratorstva. Tudi za letošnje študijsko leto lahko rečemo, da je proces dela močno zaznamovala epidemija, nas v preizpraševanjih močneje povezala, a hkrati tudi oddaljila. Sporočilo, ki se je v letošnjem letu samo še potrdilo, je, da umetniška produkcija potrebuje kvaliteten prostor za svoje delo, prostor interakcij, prostor, ki nam omogoča uporabo vseh petih čutil.

Za letošnjo, že drugo virtualno razstavo po vrsti, smo se odločili, da množico del in produktov, rezultatov iskanj in raziskav v umetnosti, ki so nastajali v težkih razmerah študija, skrčimo. Prikazujemo le najzanimivejše rezultate, ki so nastali v okviru študija. Vlogo selektorja so prevzeli mentorji in vodje študijskih smeri, saj ti najbolje poznajo razvoj in napredek posamezne študentke in študenta, študij in profesionalna umetnostna praksa pa se med seboj vendarle razlikujeta. Prek tega lijaka so se v digitalni svet zlila dela, nekatera sicer tam ne bi domovala in je njihovo naravno okolje drugje, drugim je splet domač prostor, a vendarle izbor pokaže, kako produktivno, kreativno in uspešno so študentke in študentje prebrodili letošnje nenavadno leto kljub mnogim težavam, s katerimi so se, tudi zaradi narave študija v času (pandemije) epidemije, spopadali.

Izr. prof. mag. Lucija Močnik Ramovš, dekanja

Identiteta in oblikovanje spletne razstave: Ema Kapelj, študentka 2. stopnje, smer Grafično oblikovanje
Mentoriranje: doc. Emil Kozole
Priprava vsebin: Jure Grom
Koncept razstave: prof. dr. Uršula Berlot Pompe, doc. Tomaž Furlan, doc. dr. Petja Grafenauer, doc. Primož Jeza, prof. mag. Žiga Kariž, prof. Zmago Lenárdič
Organizacijska ekipa: UL ALUO

The Academy of Fine Arts and Design (UL ALUO) invites you to see and reflect on the ALUO 2021, exhibition of student works at the end of the academic year, second year in a row in a virtual space, on the website:

We ended the academic year 2020/21 with an internal review of the study works created by 12 students carried out by the Academy of Fine Arts and Design within the first and second level study programs in fine arts, design and restoration. For this academic year as well, we can say that the work process was strongly impacted by the epidemic; it connected us more strongly in the examinations, but at the same time it also distanced us. The message that has only been confirmed this year is that art production needs a quality space for its work, a space of interactions, a space that allows us to use all five senses.

For this year’s second virtual exhibition in a row, we decided to reduce the multitude of works and products, the results of searches and research in art, which were created in difficult study conditions. We present only the most interesting results created within the study. The role of selector was taken over by mentors and heads of study fields, as they know best the development and progress of individual students, but study and professional art practice differ from each other. Through this funnel, works have flowed into the digital world, some of which would not otherwise exist on that platform because their natural environment is elsewhere, whereas for others the internet is their home space. Nonetheless, the selection shows how productively, creatively and successfully the students came through this unusual year, despite the many challenges they faced, not the least of which was the nature of the studies they undertook during the (pandemic) epidemic.

Assoc. Prof. Lucija Močnik Ramovš, MA, dean

Identity and online exhibition design: Ema Kapelj, MA Graphic Design student
Design mentoring: Asst. Prof. Emil Kozole
Content organisation: Jure Grom
Concept: Prof. Dr. Uršula Berlot Pompe, Asst. Prof. Tomaž Furlan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Petja Grafenauer, Asst. Prof. Primož Jeza, Prof. Žiga Kariž, MA, Prof. Zmago Lenárdič
Organisation team: UL ALUO