The University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design (UL ALUO) organizes domestic and international events aimed at education, presentation, and dissemination of research achievements. In addition to symposiums and conferences that emerge from project research, every September, within the Department of Theoretical Studies, we organize an annual scientific conference. With this step, we open an interdisciplinary, pluralistic discussion and reflection on various (practical and theoretical) artistic, design, restoration, ethnographic, sociological, and historical fields, thus connecting disciplines and areas that operate cohesively in the realm of active art and design but too seldom cross boundaries in academic circles.
Discourses on Art, Design, and Culture through the Prism of Posthumanism
Ljubljana, 26 September 2023
Lead organisation: UL ALUO
Project Leader: Prof. Uršula Berlot Pompe
Visual Literacy as a Subject of Theoretical Research
Koper, 27 September 2022
Lead organisation: UL ALUO
In Collaboration with University of Primorska Faculty of Education Visual Arts and Design
Project Leader: Prof. Petra Černe Oven
17th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies
20–22 October 2021
Lead organisation: Akademija za likovno umetnost Zagreb
Role of UL ALUO: Partner
UL ALUO Project Leader: Prof. Tamara Trček Pečak
Crossings in Theory
Koper, 28 September 2021
Lead organisation: UL ALUO
In Collaboration with University of Primorska Faculty of Education Visual Arts and Design and Avtomatik Delovišče
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Predan
Cosmic Anarchism
Novo mesto, 6–8 April 2021
Lead organisation: Fakulteta za medije
Role of UL ALUO: Partner
UL ALUO Project Leader: Assist. Prof. Emina Djukić
Design Education: What do you see? What do you think about it? What do you make of it?
Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom, 22 April 2015
Lead organisation: UL ALUO
Project Leaders: Prof. Petra Černe Oven, Assoc. Prof. Barbara Predan
Scientific Monograph
Transformations in Theory – Current Research
Koper, 29 September 2020
Lead organisation: UL ALUO
In Collaboration with University of Primorska Faculty of Education Visual Arts and Design and Avtomatik Delovišče
Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Nadja Zgonik
Scientific Monograph
Bilbao, 19 November 2018
Lead organisation: University of Deusto
Role of UL ALUO: Partner
UL ALUO Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Predan