Humanities and social sciences

Department for Theoretical Sciences UL ALUO participates in the Interdisciplinary doctoral programme in the Humanities and Social Sciences, coordinated by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. The doctoral programme leads to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject field Fine Art Studies.


General information:


The doctoral programme in Fine Art Studies is designed as a deepening and upgrading of the second-cycle study programmes in fine arts and fine-art theory. Its aim is to educate highly qualified researchers/scholars/teaching staff, competent for internationally comparable and interchangeable research of relevant theoretical and practical problems in the wide area of fine arts and their conceptual, historiographical and heritological infrastructure.

The field of fine arts provides the possibility of a third-cycle programme in specialist epistemology, logic and methodology in the areas of fine-arts theory, art theory, history and the theory of conservation-restoration as well as the history and theory of design, with the emphasis on systematic monitoring of the specialist and methodological bases of these studies (from the historical and comparative perspectives), on the study of their current paradigms, models in discourses, related to the trends in fine-art practice and on the reflection on the research context, which, due to the complexity of the researched subject, each of the above studies encounters in the form of a more or less expressed need for an interdisciplinary epistemic and methodological synergy. The direct purpose of such training is contextualisation, which leads to the PhD student’s more comprehensive reflection on concrete research problems, hypotheses and strategies, while the secondary purpose is a permanent critical reflection on the research methods of the PhD student’s profession and his/her individual research as well as the deconstruction of the operational default premises in both areas, leading, as a rule, to innovations at the problem tackling, methodological and, last but not least, practical levels.

The study is fully harmonised with the structure and organisation of the interdisciplinary doctoral programme for Humanities and Social Sciences. A student of a given subject in the area of Fine Art Studies enrols into two core courses (2 × 10 ECTS credits), two elective doctoral seminars (2 × 10 ECTS credits) and an external elective course (10 ECTS credits). The core courses provide a doctoral student with an in-depth understanding and operational use of Interdisciplinary doctoral programme in the Humanities and Social sciences, academic year 2022/2023 Stran 61 od 63 research epistemology and methodology in the field of the selected subject and an insight into the operational interdisciplinary connections within the general matrix of the disciplines in the area of Fine Art Studies. Doctoral seminars provide the possibility of an active involvement of the core subject lecturers with students helping them identify and define relevant research challenges, prepare the outlines of their dissertations and, in particular, plan and carry out their research.

A student selects the external elective course because of the need for epistemic deepening or because of the need for a methodological expansion and contextualisation of his/her research infrastructure; he/she can select it from a range of courses included in the interdisciplinary doctoral programme for Humanities and Social Studies or outside the programme, at the other members of the University of Ljubljana, at any of the Slovenian universities or at any of the acknowledged foreign universities, thus obtaining the possibility to carry out the research work abroad and learn about different research practices. However, the largest amount of doctoral study (180 ECTS credits) is carried out in the form of individual research work, in the frame of which the student prepares, under the guidance of a mentor, a doctoral dissertation while in practice developing and verifying, via applications, general and subject-specific competences, prescribed by the programme and curricula.

The programme lasts 4 years (240 ECTS credits) and represents the third level of the Bologna cycle. The programme consists of organised classes (60 credits) and individual research work for the doctoral thesis (180 credits).


Educators and researchers:


Prof. Dr. Uršula Berlot Pompe

Prof. Dr. Petra Černe Oven

Asst. Prof. Dr. Petja Grafenauer

Prof. Dr. Jožef Muhovič

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barbara Predan

Asst. Prof. Dr. Blaž Šeme

Asst. Prof. Dr. Tomo Stanič

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadja Zgonik


Commision president of the doctoral studies at the UL ALUO:

prof. dr. Uršula Berlot Pompe


Course and subject fields presentation:


Fine Art Studies
Fine Art Theory
Methodology of Artistic and Fine Art Theoretical Research
Methods of Fine Art Theories
Prof. Dr. Jožef Muhovič
Prof. Dr. Uršula Berlot Pompe
Art Theory Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Art Theory and Practice
Theories of Arts and Art Historical Interpretations
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadja Zgonik
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rebeka Vidrih
History and Theory of Conservation-Restoration Research Foundations in Conservation-Restoration
Methods of Fine Art Theories
Asst. Prof. Dr. Blaž Šeme
Prof. Dr. Uršula Berlot Pompe
History and Theory of Design The Topicality of Design History, Theory and Criticism
Methods of Fine Art Theories
Prof. Dr. Petra Černe Oven,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barbara Predan
Prof. Dr. Uršula Berlot Pompe
Ime: Interdisciplinary doctoral programme in the Humanities and Social Sciences – subject field Fine Art Studies
Predstojnik/ca oddelka: Prof. Dr. Petra Černe Oven
Study programme cycle: Third-cycle Doctoral degree programme
Duration: 4 years
Professional title: doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti
Abbreviation: Dr.
Study programme booklet:
