Assoc. Prof. Dr. Blaž Šeme
- 2006: completed post-doctoral research at the New Europe College in Bucharest and ICCROM in Rome, The Problem of Decay of Exterior Wall Paintings on Monuments: Comparative Study of Medieval Painted Churches of Bukovina (Romania) and Slovenia
- 2005: PhD in Fine Arts / Restoration at UL ALUO with the topic Metoda ugotavljanja ohranjenosti in ogroženosti stenskih poslikav na zunanjščinah v Sloveniji na izbranem segmentu (Method for determining the preservation and endangerment of wall paintings on exteriors in Slovenia in a selected segment)
- 2003: Master’s degree in restoration at UL ALUO, with the topic Eruptivni pojavi v ometih stenskih slik (Eruptive phenomena in the plastering of wall paintings)
- 1999: graduated in painting from UL ALUO
Professional and collaborations:
- 2000-2007: assistant at UL ALUO
- 2007–: higher education teacher, assistant professor at UL ALUO
- 2007–: research within the Research Institute of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design
- 2020–: research within the interdisciplinary interfaculty Institute of the University of Ljubljana for Sustainable Heritage Protection (IULzTDV)
- 2010-2020: Vice-Chair of the International Scientific Painting Committee at ICOMOS (ISC MP)
- 2018–: reviewer of the international strategic network CELSA (Centre European Leuven Strategic Alliance)
- 2010–: member of the SEE Mosaics expert group (Mosaic Conservation and Training of Conservators in south-east Europe)
- 2006, 2015, 2017 guest lecturer at the universities of Bucharest, Dubrovnik and Udine
- 1999–2000: conservator-restorer at the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, OE Kranj
For more than 20 years, he has led several conservation and restoration projects dealing with wall paintings, mosaics, stone statues and stucco
Scientific bibliography (selection 2016-2020):
- ŠEME, Blaž. Conservation of exterior wall paintings in Slovenia: deficiencies in traditional practice and solutions for more sustainable preservation. Studies in conservation, ISSN 2047-0584. [Web ed.], 2020, ill.
- ŠEME, Blaž. Ohranjanje in konserviranje-restavriranje modernih in sodobnih stenskih poslikav in mozaikov. (Preservation and conservation-restoration of modern and contemporary wall paintings and mosaics.) V: NEMEČEK, Nataša, (editor). Konservator-restavrator: povzetki mednarodnega strokovnega srečanja 2019 = Summaries of the International Meeting of Conservators-Restorers 2019, (Conservator-restorer, ISSN 1854-5289). Ljubljana: Slovenian Society for Conservation-Restoration: Community of Museums of Slovenia. 2019, p. 54-63, ilustr.
- ŠMUC, Andrej, DOLENEC, Matej, KIKELJ, Martina L., LUX, Judita, PFLAUM, Miran, ŠEME, Blaž, ŽUPANEK, Bernarda, GALE, Luka, DOLENEC, Sabina. Variety of black and white limestone tesserae used in ancient mosaics in Slovenia. Archaeometry, ISSN 0003-813X. [Printed ed.], 2017, vol. 59, iss. 2, p. 205-221.
- ŠEME, Blaž, PRISTOV, Tjaša (author, photographer). Conservation of mural paintings in secular buildings in Slovenia. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis, ISSN 1392-0316, Pasauiletini pastatu sienu tapyba: aktualios restauravimo teorijos, metodikos ir problemos = Mural painting in secular buildings: relevant theories, methods and problems of restoration / sudarytoja, edited by Dalia Klajumiene. – Vilnius: Vilniaus dailąes academy, 2016, 2016, 82, p. 23-41, ill.
References, conservation-restoration of works of art and other projects (selection 2016-2020):
- Management of the conservation and restoration intervention: modern mosaic in the City Savings Bank of Ljubljana; Presented in: Mozaik v poslovalnici Mestne hranilnice ljubljanske na Čopovi 3 v Ljubljani: poročilo o konservatorsko-restavratorskem posegu (Mosaic in the branch office of the City Savings Bank of Ljubljana at Čopova 3 in Ljubljana: report on the conservation and restoration intervention, Ljubljana 2018), Ljubljana 2018.
- Interdisciplinary project management Študentska forma viva: študentski inovativni projekti za družbeno korist (ŠIPK) (Student forma viva: student innovative projects for social benefit (ŠIPK), Ljubljana, 2018; Presented in: ŠEME, Blaž (editor.). Student form viva. Proceedings, Ljubljana 2018
- Conducting conservation and restoration interventions: several fragments of Emona wall paintings, which are kept in the Museum and Galleries of the City of Ljubljana; Presented in individual reports on interventions for fragments with working codes MGML1 – MGML8, Ljubljana 2017.
- Interdisciplinary project management Development, processing and testing of new materials for the production and conservation-restoration of mosaics: Po kreativni poti do znanja (Creative path to knowledge PKPZ); Presented in: VIDRAJZ Mateja, (editor). Development, processing and testing of new materials for the production and conservation-restoration of mosaics: Final report on the achieved goals.
- Management of the conservation and restoration intervention: a modern wall painting in the corridor of the Secondary Hairdressing School in Ljubljana; Presented in: ZGONIK, Nadja. Restored social realist painting: a necessary marketing of equality. Diary, 10 June 2017; Wall painting “Youth is involved in production” by Maksim Sedej and Dane Pajnič; report on the conservation-restoration intervention, Ljubljana 2017