Tactics&Practice #14: Workshop 4/4: Fuzzing Apparatuses
The 14th edition of Tactics&Practice, Aksioma’s discursive programme, produced in partnership with: Kino Šiška Center for Urban Culture, UL ALUO, Lokalpatriot and as a part of konSekvence programme, is focusing on contemporary investigative art, society and new technologies, brings together artists, theorists and researchers in an ongoing exploration of the concept of scale, from nano to global and beyond.
This edition spreads from March to June, four programme nodes are made of exhibitions, artist talks and workshops all happening in Ljubljana. UL ALUO particularly recommends all four workshops in the programme*, as they are primarily aimed at art and design students.
The complete programme of the Tactics&Practice #14: Scale: https://www.aksioma.org/scale/
Nicole L’Huillier
Fuzzing Apparatuses
17 May 2023, 2–5 PM
Aksioma | Project Space, Komenskega 18, Ljubljana
Free of charge. Registration required: https://pretix.eu/aksioma/scale/
Necessary tools:
- Laptop with the Ableton Live software installed. Get the trial version here: https://www.ableton.com/en/trial/.
- Audio recorder with mic input. Participants who don’t have an audio recorder will be able to experiment and create their own audio pieces with a device provided by the organiser.
- Headphones.
No prior experience required!
Language: English
Max. number of participants: 25
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In order to explore multiple ways of receiving and intersecting sounds and vibrations, participants will be invited to experiment with different types of microphones and interfaces for listening and recording. In this exercise, they will engage with different scales and types of vibrational phenomena: from tactile and intimate listening to exploring the propagation of sound vibrations in different media and to listening to electromagnetic activity as well as other invisible forces that surround us.
Participants will use recording devices to explore the potential of sounds and manipulate them with an open-source Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). By transforming their recorded material into personal creations, they will acquire foundational tools for analysing and editing sound as they reflect on, share and engage in a dialogue about scales of listening and practices of attunement.
All of this will be done in relation to (and around) La Orejona, a vibrational membrane microphone sculpture that is based on a soft accelerometer elastic sensor and interacts with vibrational phenomena around it. Participants will be able to directly engage with La Orejona’s membrane and unpack the many questions and possibilities it brings up in terms of relationality, unintelligibility, incommensurability, collectivity, noising, resonance, frequencies, signals, mappings, transductions etc.
Nicole L’Huillier (1985) is a transdisciplinary artist and researcher from Santiago, Chile. Her work centres on exploring sounds and vibrations as construction materials to delve into questions of agency, identity, collectivity and vibrational imagination. Through installations, vibrational/sonic sculptures, custom-made (listening and sounding) apparatuses, performances and experimental compositions, she explores performativity and agency from micro to cosmic scales and creates membranal as well as resonant rituals. She holds a PhD in Media Arts & Sciences from MIT (2022). Her work has recently been shown at transmediale, Sonic Acts, Kunsthalle Baden Baden, Ural Industrial Biennial, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC, Bienal de Artes Mediales, Venice Architecture Biennale and Ars Electronica, among others.
Related events:
- Artist talk Fuzzing Signals, Fuzzing Membranes and exhibition La Orejona Records opening: 16 May 2023 at 6 PM
Produced and organised by: Aksioma | Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2023
For the series: Tactics&Practice
Partner: UL ALUO
In the framework of konSekvence realised by konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art.
The project konS:: Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art was chosen on the public call for the selection of the operations “Network of Investigative Art and Culture Centres”. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union.