Prof. Ksenija Čerče

Office hours: Tuesday from 12 pm to 1 pm. Advance booking by e-mail is required.
Location: Erjavčeva cesta 23

Ksenija Čerče (1969) graduated (1999) and received her master’s degree (2002) in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. Prior to that, between 1988 and 1996, she completed her studies at FNT TT Clothing and Textile Design. In 2003, she received the Fulbright Scholarship for advanced study in the United States where she received a master’s degree in video and sound art (from Liz Phillips) at Purchase College State University of New York. She was an active member of Circulation 2 between 2007 and 2011. She creates in painting as well as in sound and video art, where her work focuses on researching elementary topics: the phenomenology of materiality, experiencing the relationship between visual and auditory perception and especially the multifaceted interdependence of the media in which they arise.

She has recently worked as a project leader for the Goethe Institute (2018) and as a visiting researcher at Humboldt University in Berlin (2019). She is employed at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana as an associate professor in the field of painting.

She is the recipient of several awards, including the Rihard Jakopič Award for the exhibition The voice of the image in the Equrna Gallery (2018), the Fulbright Scholarship (2003), the working scholarship of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia (2006 and 2002) and the Golden Bird Award with Circulation 2 (2010).



2006   MFA, Purchase College, State University of New York, New York USA

2002   Master of Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana

2000   Diploma – graduate engineer of clothing and textile design, UL FNT TT          Design of clothing and textiles

1999   Diploma – Academic Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana


Academic titles 

2006   Associate Professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University

of Ljubljana

2011   Assistant Professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana

Recognition of important works of art, Academy of Fine Arts and

Design, University of Ljubljana


Awards and scholarships (selection)

2019   Visiting researcher at Humboldt University in Berlin

2018   Jakopič Award

Project leader with the Goethe Institute

2010   Golden Bird (with Circulation 2)

2006   Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia

2003   Fulbright Scholarship

1999–2002   Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia

1997   Award for scenography and costume design, Festival of European Theatre

Academies, Brno



Solo exhibitions (selection)

2021   Kdo se boji roza barve? (Who is afraid of pink?), UGM studio, Maribor Art Gallery

2019   Vneto (inflammable), Multimedia Centre KIBLA- Kibela, Maribor

2018   Glas slike (The voice of the image), Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana

           NE (NO), SCCA Project Room, Ljubljana

2015   Barva prepovedanega (The colour of the forbidden), Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana

2011   Dialog (dialogue) Čerče / Vucetić. rec # 21, sound video ambience, Art Gallery

Maribor, Court Tower, Maribor

2010   EHO (ECHO), 8 channel sound ambience, Maribor Art Gallery, Hladilnica,


2009   Ephemera, interactive 16-channel ambient ambience, Kunsthaus Graz –

MKL, Graz

Nič ni slika (Nothing is a picture), Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana

Dialog (Dialogue) Vučetić / Čerče, Liquid, 8 channel audio video ambience, Cultural Centre

Belgrade, Belgrade

Še ni brez naslova (Not without a title yet), City Gallery Nova Gorica

2008   Sonic, audio video ambience, Kibla Multimedia Centre, Maribor Synagogue

2007   Eter (Ether), audio video ambience, Ljubljana Festival, Ljubljana Castle – Kazemate

2006   Slišane slike (Heard Pictures), Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana


Group exhibitions (selection)

2022   Vračenje pogleda (Returning the look), Cukrarna, Ljubljana

2020   Nezaslišan svet, ki ga imam v glavi, Metamodernizem in metaromantika v

           slovenskem slikarstvu (The Outrageous World I Have In My Head, Metamodernism And Metaromanticism in Slovenian painting), Monfort, Portorož

2019   Nezaslišan svet, ki ga imam v glavi, Metamodernizem in metaromantika v

           slovenskem slikarstvu (The Outrageous World I Have In My Head, Metamodernism And Metaromanticism in Slovenian painting)


           Čas brez nedolžnosti (Time without innocence), Modern Gallery, Ljubljana

2017   Arbitrarnost v besedi in v vsakdanu (Arbitrariness in word and in everyday life), Paul’s House, Bad Radkersburg, Austria

           MIG 21 migration interdisciplinary movement 21, Museum of Contemporary Art

Vojvodina, Novi Sad

2016   MIG 21 migration interdisciplinary movement 21, Kibla Portal, Maribor

2014    Sodobno slovensko slikarstvo- Prve generacije po letu nič; od Joni Zakonjšek

            do Suzane Brborovič (Contemporary Slovenian painting – First generation after the year zero); from Joni Zakonjšek to Suzana Brborovič), Cankarjev dom Gallery, Ljubljana

            Sodobno slovensko slikarstvo- Prve generacije po letu nič; od Joni Zakonjšek

            do Suzane Brborovič (Contemporary Slovenian painting – First generation after the year zero); from Joni Zakonjšek to Suzana Brborovič), Coastal galleries, Piran

60! Panorama, Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor

2013    Gallery Weekend, Iberart Gallery, Berlin

Skoraj pomlad (Almost Spring), Maribor Art Gallery + Slavija N ° 11, Maribor

2011     Preview – The Emerging Art Fair, Tempelhof, Berlin

Sodobna umetnost iz Slovenije (Contemporary art from Slovenia), European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main

2010     Hočemo biti svobodni, kot so bili očetje (We want to be free as were the fathers, MGLC, Ljubljana

Renaissance Nostra, Private View, Jarmuschek + Partner, Berlin

2009    Arzenal depo (Arsenal depot) / 2K9. Sodobna raziskovalna umetnost 80 let po Delaku (Contemporary research art 80 years after Delak), Film studio

Viba film, Ljubljana

Prototype 11, Netart Community Convention, Kunsthaus Graz – MKL

28th Graphic Biennial. Matrica: nestabilna realnost (Matrix: unstable reality), Ganes Pratt Gallery, Ljubljana

Licôf – sodobna umetnost na severnem Jadranu (Licôf – contemporary art in the northern Adriatic), Palinsesti 2009, San Vito al


Poletje, predlogi za stalno zbirko (Summer, proposals for a permanent collection), Maribor Art Gallery

2008    Sodobna slovenska umetnost (Contemporary Slovenian art), works of art from the Faktor banka collection, Museum of Art


Poetika (Poetics), Carinthian Gallery of Fine Arts, Slovenj Gradec

2007    LabSUs, City Gallery, Labin

2005    From the Perception Lab: Sound Show, Pelham Art Center, New York

Slovenska umetnost 1995-2005; teritoriji identitete mreže (Slovenian Art 1995–2005; territory, of identity, of network), Modern Gallery,


Prva linija (First line) – avant-garde and alternative prints in Slovenia from conceptualism to date

accompanying exhibition of the 26th Biennial of Graphic Arts, MGLC, Ljubljana


Publications (selection)

Ksenija Čerče, THE ERECTION OF LANGUAGE, About the Voice and the Inflamed Touch, Artwords 002, Winter 2019, pp. 6-12

Ksenija Čerče, EREKCIJA JEZIKA, o glasu in vnetem dotiku (THE ERECTION OF LANGUAGE, About the Voice and the Inflamed Touch, Likovne besede, no. 112 zima 2019, pp. 70-75

Ksenija Čerče: LIKOVNA AFIRMACIJA PROSOJNOSTI, Smernice slikanja v akvarelni obliki (ART AFFIRMATION OF TRANSPARENCY, Guidelines for painting in watercolour technique), University textbook issued by: Research Institute of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, publishing house: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana 2016, ISBN 978-961-93514-8-2

Ksenija Čerče: Čas v sliki in kodiranje transformacij (Image time and transformation coding), Likovne besede, no. 94 winter 2011, pp. 32-39

Ksenija Čerče, Hortus Conclusus, Likovne besede, no. 61/62 winter 2002, pp. 93-97

Ksenija Čerče, Hortus Conclusus, in: House Chaos, The Woman and the Destroyed Home Discourse Re-Build, 359°- Network for Local and Subaltern Hermeneutics, Skopje, 2003, pp. 96-108


Media releases / archives (selection)

– Amir Muratovich, Zapeljevanje pogleda (Seduction of the view): Gustav Gnamuš/ Ksenija Čerče,, RTV SLO, 31 July 2019

– Osmi dan, Ksenija Čerče in Equrna :, RTV SLO, 14 May 2015

– Aleksandra Saška Gruden: Naši umetniki pred mikrofonom (Our artists in front of a microphone),, RTV SLO – ARS , 30 October 2021

– Čas brez nedolžnosti (Time without innocence), conversation with Nika Zupančič), , Modern Gallery, 26 March 2019

– Saša Šavel, Platforma (Platform): Dotik je nevaren (Touch is dangerous): Umetnice nekoč in danes (Artists then and today), RTV SLO; 13 July 2020

– Andreja Kočar: Platforma (Platform): Dialog s sliko- sodobne slovenske slikarke (Dialogue with painting – contemporary Slovenian painters),, RTV SLO, 31 October 2016

– Aleksandra Saška Gruden: VIEWS AND CONSIDERATIONS: Pomen subkultur v družbi in kulturi (The importance of subcultures in society and culture), RTV SLO, 4 February 2021


International projects for ALUO (selection)

2019-21 NO PROMISES, Mail Art project with Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle (Burg Halle)

2019 CONTREFAIT: PLAYFUL ACCESS TO PORTRAITURE, workshop in collaboration with High school for graphics and book art Leipzig

2018 UNFOLDING MEMORY, art book workshop, partners: Goethe Institute, MGLC International Centre of Graphics Ljubljana, ALUO, NUK – National and University Library

2018 PROFESSORS’ VISIT FROM ALUO TO GERMAN ART EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS WITH GOETHE INSTITUT, (UDK Berlin, HGB Leipzig, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle (Burg Halle), KH Berlin Weissensee)


2017 DAAD PROMOTION, promotion of scholarships for ALUO students and professors

2013 PREVIEW ART FAIR BERLIN, promotion of ALUO students at the Berlin Art Fair 


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