Assoc. Prof. Robert Černelč
Office hours: Ponedeljek od 11.00 do 12.00 ure, predavalnica Video, animacija in novi mediji
Location: Tobačna ulica 5
- 1995–99 Painting Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana.
- 2000–02 Master’s degree from the Academy of Fine Arts.
- 2001–2004 Master’s degree in film directing from the Academy of Theater, Radio, Film and Television.
Professional experience, areas of work and memberships of expert committees:
- 2015-: teaches at the UL ALUO – Video, Animation and New Media and the UL AGRFT – Film and Television Directing.
- 2004 member of the jury, UL AGRFT “Grossman Award” for the best screenplay.
- 2004-2008 member of the expert jury, Film Fund of the Republic of Slovenia.
- 2020 member of the expert commission of the Prešeren Fund.
- 2021 member of the jury at the 24th Slovenian Film Festival, Portorož.
- Member of the Slovenian Directors’ Association.
- Areas of work: painting, film directing, video, set design and screenwriting.
- 2019-: Head of Video, Animation and New Media.
- 2021-: President of the Board of Directors of UL ALUO
References (selection 2017-2022):
- Ljubljana, Equrna Gallery, Enter the Void, solo exhibition, 2022.
- Feature film Ptičar (Birder), directing, script and scenography: Robert Černelč, 2021
- Ljubljana, Bažato Gallery, Prostori na poti (Spaces on the Way), group exhibition, 2022.
- Ljubljana, Cukrarna, Vračanje pogleda (Returning the Gaze), with Polona Tratnik, Hair in vitro, film, directed by: Robert Černelč, 2022.
- San Sebastian Film Festival, feature film Inventura, directed by: Darko Sinko, pre-production set design by: Robert Černelč, 2021.
- Kostanjevica na Krki, Božidar Jakac Gallery, Osamljenosti (Loneliness), 2020
- Murska Sobota, Murska Sobota Gallery, Percepcija filma (Perception of the film), 2018
- Brussels, Berlaymont Palace, (org. by the Ministry of Culture), paintings, 2017
- Ljubljana, City Gallery, Telesnost (Corporeality), Video installation Nosferatu, 2017
- Prešeren Prize of the Academy of Fine Arts for painting, Ljubljana, 1999.
- Sponsor’s Award, 10th ALU Student Colony, Velenje, 1999.
- Award for a film form shorter than three minutes; videofilm “Abadon” (3 min) – V. Festival of Independent Film and Video of Slovenia, 2000.
- Award for first place in the category of short fiction, videofilm “Dežanje” (17 min) – V. Festival of Independent Film and Video of Slovenia, 2000.
- 3rd Prize of the May Salon, Ljubljana, 2000.
- II. prize, XXXVII. International Ex Tempore Piran, Piran, 2002.
- Prize for Young Perspective Painters, Izlake Painting Colony, Izlake, 2002.
- Vesna for debutant of the year, short film “Worms”, Festival of Slovenian Film, Ljubljana, 2004.
- Best Film Award – 3rd place, film Worms, Zlinsky pes, Zlin Film Festival, Czech Republic, 2005.
- Vega Award for promising students abroad, Ministry of Education and Science, Ljubljana, 2005.
- Special Mention of the International Jury, film “Worms”, European Festival of Film Schools Bologna, Italy, 2005.